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General Information

Prof. Pascal Lorenz
University of Haute Alsace, France
It is my honor to be the Editor-in-Chief of IJFCC. The journal publishes good papers in the field of future computer and communication. Hopefully, IJFCC will become a recognized journal among the readers in the filed of future computer and communication.

IJFCC 2018 Vol.7(3): 51-57 ISSN: 2010-3751
DOI: 10.18178/ijfcc.2018.7.3.520

An Energy-Efficient Clustering Algorithm for WSN Based on Cluster Head Selection Optimization to Prolong Network Lifetime

Rania Khadim, Abdelhakim Maaden, Ansam Ennaciri, and Mohammed Erritali

Abstract—The use of wireless sensor networks continue to increase in many fields (scientific, logistic, military or health, etc).The size of the sensors constitutes, however, an important limitation, mainly in term of energetic autonomy and therefore lifetime because the battery must be very small. For this reason, the improvement of energy efficiency is a critical issue for WSN protocols. Clustering in wireless sensor networks is an effective way of structuring the network. Its purpose is to identify a subset of nodes in the network and to assign a cluster head to it.
Hierarchical routing or clustering routing is considered to be the most favorable approach in terms of energy efficiency. It is based on the concept (child node - parent node) where the child nodes forward their messages to their parent, who then routes them in the entire network via other parent nodes to the base station (sink).Two major approaches are derived from this type of protocol: chain-based approach and cluster-based approach.
Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) is considered as the first hierarchical routing protocol based on the second approach. It is also one of the most popular hierarchical routing algorithms for sensor networks. Another variant of LEACH, called Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy centralized (LEACH-C), is also presented.
This paper presents an improvement of LEACH and LEACH-C protocol based on two modifications one on balancing energy distribution of network by means of changing range of nodes being cluster head and other by load balancing the number of nodes equally by fixing the average value N, so the lifetime of the network is increased. Simulation results show that Improved LEACH-C can improve system lifetime over its comparatives.

Index Terms—Wireless sensor network (WSN), leach, LEACH-C, clustering algorithm.

The authors are with LMA Laboratory, Mathematics Department, Faculty of Sciences and Technics, Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Beni Mellal, Morocco (e-mail: khadimrania@gmail.com, m.erritali@usms.ma).


Cite: Rania Khadim, Abdelhakim Maaden, Ansam Ennaciri, and Mohammed Erritali, "An Energy-Efficient Clustering Algorithm for WSN Based on Cluster Head Selection Optimization to Prolong Network Lifetime," International Journal of Future Computer and Communication vol. 7, no.3, pp. 51-57, 2018.

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