Abstract—Several concepts are known for improving
processor safety, all of them having their pros and cons. Some
are very resource intensive, others have limited capabilities
regarding the provided error safety. In this paper we use
research on channel coding of noisy communication channels
known from communication theory as an analogy to random bit
errors in processors. We incorporate this knowledge into
processor design to suggest a new error correction concept by
using channel coding in processors. The new concept of a
Channel Coded Processor could provide effective
implementation of redundancy by the channel coding that
enables error correction. The concept could also create a
complete chain of redundancy in all areas and components of
the processor ranging from the code compiler through the
processing hardware to the output of the information.
Index Terms—Channel coded processor concept,
communication theory, safety, soft error.
The authors are with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and
Information Technology, OTH Regensburg, Germany (e-mail:
a.r.steinkirchner@gmx.de, thomas.fuhrmann@oth-regensburg.de,
Cite: A. Steinkirchner, T. Fuhrmann, and M. Niemetz, "Channel Coded Processor for Enhanced Safety," International Journal of Future Computer and Communication vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 58-62, 2017.