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General Information

Prof. Pascal Lorenz
University of Haute Alsace, France
It is my honor to be the Editor-in-Chief of IJFCC. The journal publishes good papers in the field of future computer and communication. Hopefully, IJFCC will become a recognized journal among the readers in the filed of future computer and communication.

IJFCC 2017 Vol.6(1): 1-5 ISSN: 2010-3751
doi: 10.18178/ijfcc.2017.6.1.479

On Performance Evaluation of BM-Based String Matching Algorithms in Distributed Computing Environment

Kunaphas Kongkitimanon and Boonsit Yimwadsana

Abstract—String matching algorithms plays an important role in many applications of computer science: in particular searching, retrieving and processing of data. Various fields that rely on computer science for computing and data processing such as science, informatics (e.g. biology, medical, and healthcare), statistics, image, video/signal processing and computational aspect of business (e.g. finance, accounting, and computer security) would benefit greatly from efficient data search algorithm, in particular string matching. Any applications involving the use of database would use string matching algorithm. Many string matching algorithms such as TBM (Turbo Boyer Moore), BMH (Boyer-Moore-Horspool), BMHS (Boyer Moore Horspool Sundays, and BMHS2 (Boyer Moore Horspool Sundays 2) were introduced based on the celebrated BM (Boyer-Moore) algorithm considered to be one of the early efficient string searching algorithms. Although these algorithm offers significant performance improvement over the BM algorithm, they were designed with the assumption of single core computer architecture which executes the algorithm in a serialized manner. Today, multiple-core-processor computers are very common, and applications are designed to process big data thanks to the advanced in computing technology of various fields. High performance computing system utilizing parallel and distributed computing has started to become popular. This work evaluates and compares the performance of the aforementioned string matching algorithms in parallel and distributed environment for high performance computing with respect to that of the serialized single-core computing platform. In this work, the variants of BM algorithms are implemented and evaluated on Apache Spark, a popular distributed computing platform, by executing a set of queries of different search pattern lengths.

Index Terms—Apache spark, Boyer Moore, distributed computing, string matching.

The authors are with Faculty of Information and Communication Technology and Integrative Computational Bioscience Center, Mahidol University, Thailand (e-mail: kunaphas.kon@gmail.com, boonsit.yim@mahidol.ac.th).


Cite: Kunaphas Kongkitimanon and Boonsit Yimwadsana, "On Performance Evaluation of BM-Based String Matching Algorithms in Distributed Computing Environment," International Journal of Future Computer and Communication vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 1-5, 2017.

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