Abstract—Mobile cloud computing with handheld devices had resulted in reducing the infrastructure and administrative costs and creating more efficient, flexible and collaborative computing models for business growth. However, Transaction within a mobile cloud faces many restrictions. Building a reliable and fault tolerant transactional data management system for managing large volume of data is one of the major challenges in mobile cloud. Multiple researches are in progress to define the new models of success in mobile cloud transaction. In this paper, we propose Surrogate Object Model of Transaction Management for mobile cloud. Each mobile node in the cloud sends transaction request to its surrogate object located in its respective mobile support station. Surrogate object should check its data cache for transaction execution with a given reliability instead of sending request to database server such that the network lifetime is improved. Reliability and fault tolerance are achieved by moving transaction request to surrogate object and network life time is maximized by moving the surrogate objects to less loaded base stations. We show via simulations that the proposed approach achieve the better reliability and fault tolerance and also maximize the network lifetime compared to existing approaches.
Index Terms—Data Cache, Mobile Cloud, Surrogate Object.
The authors are with the Department of Computer Science and Engg., M. A. M. College of Engineering, Anna University Tiruchirappalli, India(e-mail: ssg_ravimaran@mamce.org, ssg_malukmd@mamce.org andssg_nazreen@mamce.org)
Cite: Ravimaran Shanmugam, M. A. Maluk Mohamed, and S. Nazreen, "Evolving a Surrogate Model of Transaction Management for Mobile Cloud," International Journal of Future Computer and Communication vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 62-66, 2012.
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