Abstract—In order to improve satellite network performance,
an algorithm of congestion control based on traffic of Ground
Terminals is proposed in this paper. Because the resource in
satellite switching system is limited, some different strategies
are adopted to control the congestion in this algorithm, which
combines open-loop and close-loop based on the current state of
onboard buffer. The analysis and simulation results show that
the proposed algorithm has the better performance in cell loss
rate, and congestion in the onboard buffer can be avoided,
which guarantees the switching performance of satellite
Index Terms—Satellite switching, congestion control,
discarding strategy.
The authors are with National Key Laboratory of Science and
Technology on Space Microwave, Xi’an 710100, China (e-mail:
zhangy4@cast504.com, lij41@cast504.com, lijl88@cast504.com,
Zhouq97@cast504.com, liangw@cast504.com).
Cite: Zhang Yi, Li Jun, Li Jingling, Zhou Quan, and Liang Wei, "The Algorithm of Congestion Control Based on Satellite Switching," International Journal of Future Computer and Communication vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 399-402, 2015.