Abstract—We select the most effective and remarkable
schemes among the state-of-the-art digital forgery detection
schemes and implement a system based on these schemes. With
that, we compare the advantages and limitations of each scheme
by experimental analysis. As a result, the detection rate of the
schemes is dependent of the parameters of the schemes and the
forgery method of the image, although the schemes succeed to
detect most of the forged images. Also, a number of forged
images are not detected which are off the detection points of the
Index Terms—Digital image forgery, forgery detection,
digital forensics, forensic implementation, forensic practice
(alphabetical order).
The authors are with National Forensic Service, 10, Ipchunro, Wonjusi,
Gangwondo, Korea (e-mail: kutistar@sogang.ac.kr, ljfirst@korea.kr).
Cite: Hansoo Kim and Joong Lee, "An Implementation and Pragmatic Analysis of the Digital Image Forgery Detection Schemes," International Journal of Future Computer and Communication vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 324-327, 2015.