Abstract—Search engines employed under cloud computing
have been crucial in enabling users in retrieving information.
This has allowed users to access wide volume of information that
is significantly impossible under the tradition information
collection that involved manual search of the intended
information. The main focus of this study is on improving the
traditional search engine by providing a novel framework for
people to obtain reliable, personalization and graphical
representation search results. This study proposes and develops
a Visual Exploratory search engine solution extremely good in
understanding semantic similarity computation which can
access multiple Metadata based search engines at the same time
and generating real-time relationship graphs for a better visual
exploratory search in a cloud computing environment. The
study proposes a Research Model based on which the proposed
prototype would be developed.
Index Terms—Cloud computing, exploratory search,
meta-search, search engine.
Mohammed Najah Mahdi is with the College of Graduate Studies,
University Tenaga National, Malaysia (e-mail: moh12004@gmail.com).
Abdul Rahim Ahmad and Roslan Ismail are with the College of
Information Technology, University Tenaga National, Malaysia (e-mail:
abdrahim@uniten.edu.my, roslan@uniten.edu.my).
Cite: Mohammed Najah Mahdi, Abdul Rahim Ahmad, and Roslan Ismail, "A Real Time Visual Exploratory Search Engine for Information Retrieval in a Cloud," International Journal of Future Computer and Communication vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 216-220, 2015.