Abstract—The emergence of wearable sensor mobile
technologies can have a great change to the conventional
healthcare systems improving the quality of life for patients with
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) or heart disease. Our main aim
is to build a simple yet accurate mobile application that is
capable of real-time monitoring of patients with CAD which is a
major cause of death worldwide. Most available mobile
healthcare systems focus on the data acquisition part with little
attention paid to facilitating real-time. In this work, we build a
real-time monitoring application that continuously monitors
CAD patients and raises an alarm whenever an emergency
occurs. The proposed system is of a light weight, low price and
very reliable in the detection of heart problems based on
reasoning and computational algorithms. To prove the
effectiveness of the proposed system, we conducted two
extensive experiments for real and simulated scenarios. Our
results show that the proposed monitoring system provides a
100% detection rate.
Index Terms—Coronary artery disease, heart disease
monitoring, wearable sensors, mobile application.
A. F. Otoom is with the Prince Al-Hussein Bin Abdullah II for IT, The
Hashemite University, Jordan (e-mail: aotoom@hu.edu.jo).
A. Kefaye is with Alpha-Hub Company, Jordan (e-mail:
M. Ashour is with Telelogx Company, Jordan (e-mail:
Y. Shanti is with UXBERT Company, Saudi Arabia (e-mail:
M. Al-Majali is with Niche Marketing Management Organization, UAE
(e-mail: almajali@gmail.com).
Cite: Ahmed F. Otoom, Ahmed Kefaye, Mohammad Ashour, Yousef Shanti, and Mohammad Al-Majali, "Real-Time Monitoring of Patients with Coronary Artery Disease," International Journal of Future Computer and Communication vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 207-210, 2015.