Abstract—This paper is focusing on the performance of the
proposed EW-RLS channel estimator using simulations, in the
context of communication system with MIMO antenna
operating in outdoor and indoor environments. Different
training rates and different Doppler frequencies are used to
track time-variations of the channel. The adaptive algorithm is
namely Recursive Least Square (RLS) algorithm. The
performance is evaluated in system MSE, for different Doppler
frequencies (correspond to different mobility speeds).
Simulation results have demonstrated that time-domain
adaptive channel estimation and tracking in MIMO OFDM
systems based on the DD-RLS is very effective in slowly to
moderate time-varying fading channels. This paper provides
analysis, evaluation and computer simulations in MATLAB.
Index Terms—Means square error, multiple input multiple
output, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, recursive
least square.
The authors are with Faculty of Electrical Engineering UiTM Shah Alam,
Malaysia (e-mail: suzis450@salam.uitm.edu.my,
Cite: Suzi Seroja Sarnin and Siti Maisurah Sulong, "MSE and Tracking of Channel Estimation Based on DD-EW-RLS for Indoor and Outdoor Environment in MIMO-OFDM," International Journal of Future Computer and Communication vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 184-187, 2015.