Abstract—Small-sized, cheap, and power-limited sensors that
possess sensing, signal processing and wireless communication
capabilities is becoming popular for the wireless sensor
networks. Due to the limited resources and energy constraints,
efficient routing algorithms should be employed in sensor
networks. In this paper, we propose a node-disjoint multi-path
hexagon-based routing algorithm. We divide the given messages
into 4 segments, which are routed to 4 node-disjoint routes using
hexagon-based networks. We describe the details of the
algorithm and compare it with other schemes. Simulation results
show that the proposed scheme achieves better performance in
terms of message delivery ratio and network life time.
Index Terms—Multi-path routes, routing algorithms,
wireless sensor networks.
Si Gwan Kim is with Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea
(e-mail: sgkim999@gmail.com).
Cite: Si-Gwan Kim, "Efficient Multi-path Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks," International Journal of Future Computer and Communication vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 175-178, 2015.